Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Did you know that Pesna Cave has the biggest entry in the Balkan?

Enigma about the entry – According to speleologists Pesna has the biggest entry in the Balkan - 30 meters height. According to the "natural heritage", the entry has significant dimensions:   16.8 x52, 4 m.
A few hundred meters from the cave runs Treska River, ideal for fishing and picnics. Also there is a fishpond  in motel Pesna. 

Pesna cave

The cave is close to the village Makedonski Brod. If you take the road from Prilep to Kicevo, take the turnoff to the village Modriste, just before Makedonski Brod.
It has been used as a shelter in times of war and crisis. It has easy access and it is open to visitors.
The legend has it that this fortress used to be the home of Pesna, the sister of King Marko (1335- 1395). 

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